
Interview Topic - Developing and Empathic relationship to improving the birthday gift giving experience. 

Using the experience from your team work in class as practice continue to interview two (2) new people to gather information for the design project. Each member of the team is interview two (2) individuals to discover the following topics: 

  • Motivations
  • Hopes
  • Fears
  • Feelings
  • Thoughts
  • Activities (doing) 

Create a summary document (in post-it note form) from each interview bring to the beginning of class on Thursday, January 26th. Use the empathy map document and the interview document handed out in class to guide the process. 


A good interview will result in high volume of post-it notes that document a complete and detailed interaction. 

Remember each post-it note need to represent one idea in pictures and words. 

Shoot for 4-5 post-it notes in each section of the empathy map for each interview. 

DUE: Thursday, January 26th at the beginning of class.