Synthesizing Team Strength
Based on the results from strength finders complete the following activity.
Part One
The following list is are a taxonomy of leadership functions. Using your strength findersresults as inherent talent resources to your team discuss teach taxonomy and how your team’s talents address each function.
Taxonomy of Leadership Functions
- Monitor team
- Manage team boundaries
- Challenge team
- Support diversity
- Engage critical dialog
- Perform team task
- Solve problems
- Engage creativity
- Provide resources
- Encourage team self-management
- Support social climate
(Edited list based on the work from Leadership in Teams: A Functional Approach to Understanding Leadership Structures and Processes, Morgeson, DeRue, and Karam, Journal of Management, 2010. )
Part Two
Once the analysis is complete discuss as a team the roles and responsibility of team members and the leadership model that you will create for your team. Start by researching different leadership models and select and approach for your team, or create a hybrid or original team structure.
- transformational leadership
- transactional leadership
- moral leadership
- constructivist leadership
- servant leadership
- cultural leadership
- primal leadership
- charismatic leadership
- adaptive leadership
- autocratic leadership
- authoritative leadership
- laissez-fair leadership
- situational leadership
(Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002).
Due: Thursday, January 26 at the beginning of class.